How One Meeting Changed My View On Health…Forever.

Josh and Katie Schonert
4 min readFeb 29, 2020


I have always struggled with health problems. I thought that I would just grow out of it, but I found that the older I got, the worse my problems became.

I really wanted to feel better, but I didn’t know how to get started or what I needed to do.

I wanted to stop getting sick so often, and I was sick of not having enough energy throughout the day.

Because I was getting sick all the time, I was having a hard time enjoying life. I would miss out on family events, board game nights with friends, and even my own son’s school programs. I was struggling.

Because I was spending so much time being sick and trying to avoid being outside due to my terrible allergies, I was becoming depressed. I was feeling low and like I wasn’t good enough to be around other people, even my own wife, and kids!

The problem was that I was allergic to pretty much everything. My body hated me (at least so I thought) and I was getting constant sinus infections anytime something triggered even the slightest runny nose. I was trying every over-the-counter drug to curb my problems, and even resorted to trying all different kinds of home remedies. I was to a point where I even started seeing an allergist thinking that was the problem.

Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened…

I met an older couple at the grocery store one day and we talked about their life and mine. I noticed that they were in great shape and the seemed to have a lot of energy, even though they were quite a bit older than I was.

They told me about these amazing products that they’ve incorporated into their lifestyle which has been helping them stay healthy and energetic, even at their older age. They even told me how their products helped someone get over a lot of their harsh allergies. The main thing that they focused on was a daily regimen of quality vitamins and supplements.

I immediately felt compelled to learn more about the products they were using and how I could start incorporating them into my daily regimen.

I learned everything I could and found that not only could I take these vitamins and supplements to help with the betterment of my life, I could also use this opportunity to help others learn how to live better.

My plan was to start taking these vitamins and supplements right away, while also telling everyone I know about them as well.

As soon as I could, I was taking my multivitamin and a couple of extra supplements that I knew I was lacking. I made sure to make it part of my daily routine.

Then, I started telling everyone about my discovery and how I thought it was going to help them.

But, there was still a problem…

For weeks, I took the vitamins and supplements and nothing changed. I was still getting sick (and often), and I was still very much affected by allergies. I thought for sure that there was no way this was going to work, and I started to feel like I was wasting money on quality products that someone told me worked for them. I thought to myself “Maybe it isn’t designed to work for everyone…” and “I bet it’s only for specific people, and people like me don’t need this right now.”

It wasn’t until at least a month into my regimen that I started to notice an actual change.

I used to not be able to sleep through the night, ever. Then, one week, I slept through the night almost every night. I would wake up refreshed and ready for the day.

Then, I noticed more sustained energy throughout the day. I was not hitting the 3:00 pm nappies at work, and I still had enough energy to play with my kids when I got home.

Lastly, I found that my allergies, which have been very bad for pretty much my entire life, started to fade. I was no longer a sneezing and runny mess when going outside (except for the spring because tree pollen and I don’t get along).

I realized that I was having success, and I couldn’t contain myself. I had to let the world know.

Within just a couple of months, I was able to help people turn their life around by introducing the same vitamins and supplements to their daily regimen.

After finally having success with my vitamins, as well as being able to help others, I realized that this was the calling that was compelling me initially.

When talking with that couple in the grocery store many months ago, this feeling I had was not only to take vitamins and supplements every day to feel better.

I realized that I needed to do everything in my power to tell the world how much of a difference this has made in my life.

I now have more energy to play with my kids.

I have more ambition to spend more quality time with my wife.

And, my productivity has increased in all aspects of my work.

In the end, I am more driven to reach my goals and dreams in life, knowing that I’m going to be around for many years to come due to deciding to take care of my body.



Josh and Katie Schonert

We are passionate about helping people achieve true freedom in their life by showing them how to be a positive impact in the world!